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Jackass Movie Download In Hd

Updated: Mar 12, 2020

a5c7b9f00b The cast performs various crazy stunts for our amusement. A reality show about a group of stunt men &amp; extreme sport enthusists with high thresholds of pain. Each show consists only of videotapes of them performing stupid and dangerous stunts--standing in a porta-potty while it&#39;s turned upside-down, wrestling a bear while wearing a bear costume, and pretending to kidnap Brad Pitt. Johnny,Bam,Chris,StevO and all the medics on the huge team of Jackass all have one thing in common. They&#39;re entertainers ! They make us Laugh. Laugh some more and eventually make is laugh untill we&#39;re crying - well maybe that&#39;s just me. The Jackass movie 2000 has alot of funny acts and stunts in it and I&#39;d definitly recommend everyone to see it. Although parts are a bit grosse and sick eg.(paper cutting) it&#39;s totally a movie to see to earth you to back the real world. The one you&#39;d watch at a time like after exams ! Just ordinary guys entertaing ordinary people. But are they so ordinary ? We&#39;ve all been told we&#39;ve got imagintations - so use them right ? These guys imagionations ? -&gt; OUT OF THIS WoRLD.Who would ever think of putting a crocodile in your mothers kitchen just to hear her swear.<br/><br/>So to conclude check out Jackkass if you haven&#39;t seen it. If you have tell a friend if you liked it and perhaps the trend of being daring and just plain stupid and funnny may catch on. JACKASS can best be described as an extreme sports equivilent of TRIGGER HAPPY TV . Various American dudes play pranks on the US public by sticking a doll on the back of a bicycle then crashing the bike in front of passerbys , or rolling up to a gas station , fill their car full of petrol and have a &quot; sex slave &quot; escape running and screaming from the trunk of their car , or crash a shopping trolley passenger down a flight of steps . As you can guess it`s a MTV version of CANDID CAMERA or BEADEL`S ABOUT , but JACKASS does have its moments and I did prefer it to TRIGGER HAPPY TV . Though having said that it`s also the type of show that you`ll find yourself getting bored with in a short period of time Like all the previous videos, easily-copyable scenes needed to be removed for its release in the UK. One scene at the beginning of the video shows that Steve has always enjoyed getting choked till unconsciousness, even as a teen. Similar to the third one, especially the younger audience shouldn&#39;t watch that because it&#39;s not the healthiest thing one can do to the brain / the brain cells so it got removed. Furthermore, there&#39;s a little recap to that scene at the end. It got removed as well - for obvious reasons. And contrary to the Don&#39;t Try This At Home trilogy (at least the German releases contains the uncensored US-Versions), there&#39;s no uncensored European release available. The German DVD with additional German, French and Dutch subtitles contains is identically censored - the same in France and the Netherlands.

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